Inspiration …
Where does it come from? You own inner voice; Encouragement from a friend; A goal you have set for yourself? We want to inspire you to maintain at least a minimal yoga practice throughout the summer. Ask yourself to commit to at least just 1 class per week. Maybe you can do 2; or maybe even 3. Do what you can. Do it for you.
From June 4th until Sept 2nd — you can
Inspire Your Summer Practice with 3 options:
1 class per week
2 classes per week
3 or more classes per week
We will have a chart … Put your name on the chart.
We will have classes … Come to class.
We will have stickers … Put up a sticker for each class.
Commit today and be inspired all summer!
15% Off Class Packages
To further motivate your Summer Practice, we are offering a 15% discount on the 10 Class Package or the 30 Class Package. So, take advantage of the sale, sign up for the Summer Inspiration Challenge, and get started June 4th!