Candlelit Yin with Nidra Now Offered on Sundays at 6:15PM

Now offering CANDLELIT YIN with NIDRA on SUNDAYS at 6:15PM as a regularly scheduled class

Yin Yoga targets your deep connective tissues, like your fascia, ligaments, and joints. It’s slower and more meditative, giving you space to turn inward and tune into both your mind and the physical sensations of your body. Poses are held for a longer period of time than they are in other types of yoga. Yin yoga helps you stretch and lengthen those rarely-used tissues while also teaching you how to breathe through discomfort and sit with your thoughts.

Our Yin class is concluded with Nidra or a “yogic sleep” guided meditation that induces a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping.

Join us on Sundays at 6:15PM for Yin Yoga with Nidra to rejuvenate yourself before starting a new week