Let’s face it, the summer can be chaotic and less conducive to your 

normal workout schedule. We’re here to help!

Join the 10-WEEK SUMMER CHALLENGE  and commit to at least

1 Class Per Week

Or, more than 1 if you like.

We want to help you get your yoga this summer!

Classes are ON SALE for the 10-WEEK SUMMER CHALLENGE

Get $20 off a pack of 10 Classes


Get $35 off a pack of 20 Classes —

Click Below to Get the Sale:

10 Class Pack

20 Class Pack


Starts:  June 4th

Ends: August 12th

Participation is Free and Fun


If you complete your challenge, for example, 2 classes per week for all 10 weeks, then we have something that we hope will keep you motivated:

$$   Discounts on your next Class package   $$

Completing 1 Class per week earns you 10% off your next class pass

Completing 2 Classes per week earns you 20% off your next class pass

What if I have AutoPay or an Annual Pass?

We want to reward you, too!

If you complete your 10-WEEK SUMMER CHALLENGE, you will earn

$25 OFF your next payment, and a Free Guest Pass

 for anyone of your choice, even current students.

SIGN UP on the Challenge Poster in the lobby: Put your name up and place a sticker in the box for each day you complete a class. It is motivating, fun, and keeps you accountable! 


Here’s another opportunity to come and relax at our 


with Reiki Master Aylin Konhilas  and Sound Healer Mallory Langston

Sunday, April 23 at 7:00 pm

REIKI means “Universal Life Energy.” It is an ancient healing technique that uses light hand positions to guide energy throughout the body, promoting self-healing, relaxation and balancing the chakras.

SOUND BATH is an immersive meditation experience. Participants will be bathed in sound waves produced by crystal and alchemy bowls, tuning forks, koshi chimes and a wave drum.

The REIKI and SOUND BATH modalities will be used simultaneously to provide a unique experience. Each participant will receive individual Reiki healing, while enjoying the Sound Bath collectively.



Space is limited. $40 per person. Bring something comfy to lay on.

CLICK here to Sign up early for this very special healing experience


We have a very special event coming …


Saturday, Feb. 25 at 6:00 – 7:00 pm

with Reiki Master Aylin Konhilas 

and Sound Healer Mallory Langston

REIKI means “Universal Life Energy.” It is an ancient healing technique that uses light hand positions to guide energy throughout the body, promoting self-healing, relaxation and balancing the chakras.

SOUND BATH is an immersive meditation experience. Participants will be bathed in sound waves produced by crystal and alchemy bowls, tuning forks, koshi chimes and a wave drum.

The REIKI and SOUND BATH modalities will be used simultaneously to provide a unique experience. Each participant will receive individual Reiki healing, while enjoying the Sound Bath collectively.




Space is limited. $40 per person. Bring something comfy to lay on.

Sign up early for this very special healing experience:



The February 30-Day Challenge is Almost Here!

And we are going toHIITyou with a special treat …

Hot HIIT classes on Wednsday nights at 6:30!

During the 30-Day Challenge, our regular B60 class on Wednesday nights at 6:30 will be a no-extra-cost HIIT class! The first HIIT class will be Feb 1st.

And our teacher ….


Charelle Anderson Grgas

Hot HIIT practice is a natural compliment to 360 Yoga’s current method of movement. This practice burns fat and creates long, lean muscle mass, with rapid results. HIIT provides a high-intenstity workout, but without high impact on the body. It’s done on the mat, with no extra equipment needed — and it’s FUN! Charelle’s peppy, encouraging instruction is paired with upbeat, energetic music, making this class a fun-full-body fat-burn! Charelle is committed to sharing this effective, fun, safe and challenging workout class for all ages and body types. Come try Cherelle’s class during our CHALLENGE-MONTH on Wednesdays at 6:30PM!

More about Charelle … She moved to Mount Pleasant eighteen months ago, with her husband and two boys.  She is originally from Westchester, NY, where her Yoga foundation and her journey began. Charelle has a strong ballet background, having studied at The School of American Ballet at the Juilliard Building in New York City.  Her extensive ballet training has contributed to her discipline, posture and form. Charelle’s passion for wellness, coupled with her love for helping others, were deciding factors that motivated Charelle to enroll in a teacher- training program.  That course led to her certification as a Hot HIIT Instructor in November 2021. Charelle believes that “through consistent practice, you will gain both strength and flexibility, increase neuromuscular control, achieve better posture & cardiovascular endurance, all while improving circulation throughout your body.”

Please plan to join us for HIIT class with Charelle on Wednesday nights during the February 30-Day Challenge.

1st HIIT class is Feb 1 at 6:30 pm

Sound Healing with Austin Shook and Alignment Sound Energy

Sound Bath coming Tuesday, September 27th at 7:00 pm

What is a “Sound Healing,” or sometimes called a “Sound Bath?” It’s a complete immersion in sound, that vibrates and touches every cell in your body! All you have to do is lay down comfortably, relax, and let the intense music and sounds wash over you. Don’t miss this relaxing, healing, restorative experience. Austin Shook, of Alignment Sound Energy, is coming back to 360 Yoga Charleston to give us this special evening. You will experience intense sound therapy and leave feeling transformed. Austin uses a large array of instruments to provide a sound immersion and deep healing.

Come, relax, and enjoy. Space is limited, so sign up quick! $40

Sign up on the MindBody App or in our Online Store under the “Workshops” tab.