Let’s face it, the summer can be chaotic and less conducive to your 

normal workout schedule. We’re here to help!

Join the 10-WEEK SUMMER CHALLENGE  and commit to at least

1 Class Per Week

Or, more than 1 if you like.

We want to help you get your yoga this summer!

Classes are ON SALE for the 10-WEEK SUMMER CHALLENGE

Get $20 off a pack of 10 Classes


Get $35 off a pack of 20 Classes —

Click Below to Get the Sale:

10 Class Pack

20 Class Pack


Starts:  June 4th

Ends: August 12th

Participation is Free and Fun


If you complete your challenge, for example, 2 classes per week for all 10 weeks, then we have something that we hope will keep you motivated:

$$   Discounts on your next Class package   $$

Completing 1 Class per week earns you 10% off your next class pass

Completing 2 Classes per week earns you 20% off your next class pass

What if I have AutoPay or an Annual Pass?

We want to reward you, too!

If you complete your 10-WEEK SUMMER CHALLENGE, you will earn

$25 OFF your next payment, and a Free Guest Pass

 for anyone of your choice, even current students.

SIGN UP on the Challenge Poster in the lobby: Put your name up and place a sticker in the box for each day you complete a class. It is motivating, fun, and keeps you accountable! 

Rewards for 30-Day Challengers!

If you participated in the 30-Day Challenge,
please come in and claim your reward!
Take home a bran new coffee mug and pick out a free t-shirt, tank, or cap.

Mugs will also be on sale for $10 each, or 2 for $18.
Now you can enjoy your morning coffee with a reminder that
you are an amazing, strong, and dedicated Bikram Yogi.

So … Challenge Complete; What’s Next?
With the Challenge finished, and New Year’s resolutions fading, it might be time to recommit to some regular, sustainable practice goals. This is the time of year when we follow up the daily practice with an intention to build on the success created thus far. Don’t let all of your hard work go to waste! If you have increased your normal routine, challenge yourself to use that strength and stamina to maintain this higher level with consistency.
We can help you: The 4 x 4 Challenge is right around the corner!

The 4 x 4 Challenge: Complete 4 classes per week, for 4 weeks.
Starts: Monday, March 13th.
Motivation: Come to the Esak Garcia Workshop on March 11, and get energized to improve all of your postures and get more out of each class.

Esak’s Workshop is March 11th

There are a few spaces left for this rare opportunity!
Don’t miss out. Esak’s knowledge, experience, and kindness will benefit your practice and your inner-yogi. Learn from the very best; Be inspired by a true leader in the yoga world.

Come in or call 843.884.3737 to sign up.