Friday Fun Things at Bikram Charleston

FUN THING #1: You are invited to come and enjoy Fun Friday, THIS Friday at 4:30,
and please bring a friend for free!

We will celebrate our yoga and our community in usual style, including:

  • Bring a Friend for Free, 26 and 2 taught by Jesse and Nikki together
  • Snacks and Beverages in the lobby after class.

We will be saying a sad “farewell” to our beloved teachers, Nikki and Jesse, who have been with us since April. Nikki and Jesse are moving forward with their traveling and teaching around the world, and we will miss them dearly.

Friday, Oct. 9, 4:30 class.

FUN THING #2: It’s awesome, too…. wait for it … Amy Lane Huston is returning to teaching at the studio! Yay! Whoop – Whoop! Her first class is next Tuesday, 10/13 at 8:30am.

We hope to see you at BOTH fun things!
