We are delighted to announce that Austin Shook, of Alignment Sound Energy,

will be coming to 360 Yoga to give us another amazing Sound Healing!

April 28th at 7:00 pm
Sound is vibration that touches every part of our physical being. Sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. Come let the unique tones of this sound bath initiate healing processes and create the perfect state for deep meditation, creative thinking and intuition.
Wake up your ability to hear and feel as you bathe in the sounds of singing bowls, the Handpan, flutes, gongs, and many other unique instruments. Let go and simply receive the harmonies and vibrations washing over you.
Austin will play an array of instruments to aid you in achieving deep relaxation as you naturally slip into the parasympathetic state of your nervous system. With the aid of these instruments, space will be held for you to connect with the deeper aspects of yourself. This experience is an invitation to enter into your own essence, deeply connect with your body through ethereal sound vibration; to release, soften, unwind, envision and meditate.
Join us for this unique event on Wednesday,
April 28th at 7:00 pm
$40, Space is Limited, Sign Up early!
Sign up at our online store, or call 843.884.3737